Hidden Wounds: Emotional Abuse by snow

Trigger warning: This article may contain words that may trigger the readers and survivors of this trauma. Reader discretion is advised.

Individuals often overlook emotional abuse, which can severely impact their well-being.

What is Emotional Abuse? 

    Emotional abuse is a pattern of behavior aimed at controlling or manipulating another person's feelings, thoughts, or behavior. This includes verbal attacks, derogatory comments, threats, intimidation, isolation, and control behaviors. Emotional abuse can occur in all types of relationships, including romantic relationships, parent-child relationships, friendships relationships, and relationships at work. 

    The followings are some signs and symptoms of emotional abuse: Emotional abusers may constantly criticize or belittle their victims by derogatory remarks about their intelligence, appearance, or abilities. 

  1. Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation where the abuser makes the victim question their reality by altering facts and events or denying events that happened. 
  2. Emotional abusers can isolate victims from family and friends and make them feel like they have no one. 
  3. An emotional abuser may use intimidation tactics, such as slamming doors, punching walls, or making violent gestures to intimidate and scare their victim. 
  4. An emotional abuser may withhold affection, attention, or support as a way of control or punishment. They may also threaten to end the relationship or withhold affection to get their way. 
  5. Emotional abusers can go from being kind and loving to being angry and abusive in seconds. 

How to Get Help?

    If you believe that you or someone you know is experiencing emotional abuse, there are several steps that you can take to get help. Seek support from a trusted friend or family member, or contact a hotline such as the National Domestic Violence Hotline for guidance on handling the situation. You can also reach out to a professional counselor who can help you understand the abuse's dynamics and provide coping and healing strategies. Emotional abuse is a deadly form that can devastate an individual's emotional and psychological well-being. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of emotional abuse and seeking help is crucial if you or someone you know is experiencing emotional abuse.