Teenage Pregnancy: Teenagers Loss of Human Rights and Health Problems by Drops

        Teenage pregnancy is portrayed as a negative thing to happen in society. It has been normalized because of how teenagers see the world. Society sets an image that having a child at a young age is a cool thing. However, many teenagers do not know the truth about having and bearing a child at a young age. Teenagers lack knowledge about sex and pregnancy, which can lead to unplanned pregnancies. In this process, many pregnant teenagers are forced to miss school and are denied their right to an education. In addition, she denied her right to health since she is not permitted to utilize contraception or learn about reproductive health. Many teens are not physically or emotionally prepared for pregnancy or birth, raising the risk of complications and death. Early school dropouts and health concerns jeopardize their capacity to earn a living.

       In this article, most of the teenagers in India are already giving and having a birth at 15-19 years old. Because of their age, many teenagers experience a lot in their process of giving birth: Low birth weight (LBW), cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD), anemia, pregnancy-induced hypertension, premature labor, anemia, maternal, perinatal, and neonatal mortality. It also damages the reproductive system and is just one of the severe health risks young women face when combining poor nutrition with early childbearing.


        You are having lower than an average number of healthy red blood cells. People with anemia may feel tired and weak. You are more likely to get iron-deficiency anemia during pregnancy because your body needs more iron than usual. Your healthcare provider will check the number of red blood cells during pregnancy. Treating the underlying cause of the anemia can help restore the number of healthy red blood cells. Your provider may also recommend that you take iron and folic acid supplements to help prevent and manage anemia.


        Anxiety disorders are common before, during, and after pregnancy. If you have an anxiety disorder, you may struggle with uncontrollable feelings of anxiety, nervousness, fear, worry, and panic. These feelings can be intense and may last a long time. They can also interfere with relationships and daily activities, such as work or school. Anxiety disorders often occur with depression. Getting treatment for anxiety before, during, and after pregnancy is important. Talk to your healthcare provider as soon as possible if you think you have an anxiety disorder.


        Everyone feels sad sometimes, but these feelings usually pass in a few days. Depression interferes with daily life and may last for weeks or months. Some people have depression before, during, or after pregnancy.

        It is vital to concentrate on preventing teenage pregnancy from becoming a significant problem. Teenage girls may become healthy, responsible adults with the help of education, nutrition advice, family planning, and community awareness. Schools should provide sex education classes to teach kids the truth about STIs and pregnancy up.

